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Company Culture: Minions, Balloons, and Cake Mix

In recent years, there has been an increase in the focus on company culture led by companies like Zappos, Google, and more. These organizations make it a priority to foster a flexible, fun, and employee-centric environment.

But a company doesn’t have to be a creative, tech-giant to have a good time. And apparently, my coworkers know this. The Friday before the weekend of my birthday, I was welcomed into the office by a Minion sitting at my desk surrounded by balloons! Also on my desk was a box of cake mix (aka a “make your own b-day cake kit”) and a 4-pack of toilet paper announcing that I had been TP’d.

While our office isn’t a bean bag chair filled co-working space, fun little things like this happen all the time, creating a certain energy and sense of community and collaboration. The best part is, I look forward to going to work.

So how can your company change in small ways to get rid of that dreaded Monday feeling and make your workday more enjoyable? Read the rest of my blog on Performance I Create to learn how a Minion, some balloons, and an unbaked cake can make your work life better.

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