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April 2024 – Minnesota Employment Trends

April 2024 – Minnesota Employment trends show a steady unemployment rate from March 2024 to April 2024 and an overall growth of 3,900 jobs during that same time period.

St. Paul – Minnesota continues to showcase its resilience in the job market, gaining 3,900 jobs from March to April on a seasonally adjusted basis, as reported by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). “The numbers released today reinforce that Minnesota’s economy remains strong,” said DEED Commissioner Matt Varilek. “Continued job growth and labor force growth are excellent indicators for Minnesota. We’ll continue to focus on making Minnesota a great place to work, live and raise a family.”

April 2024 – Minnesota Unemployment Rate

April 2024 - Minnesota Employment Trends: Unemployment Rate


Lost Jobs & Industries Affected: 

          • -1,600 – Government
          • -500 – Other Services
          • -200 – Information
          • -100 mining & Lodging

U.S. unemployment increased to 3.9%; however, Minnesota’s unemployment rate stayed steady at 2.7% in April. Minnesota’s labor force increased by 3,710 people over the month, keeping the labor force participation rate point at 68%. *

April 2024 – Minnesota Open Jobs

April 2024 - Minnesota Employment Trends: Open Jobs


Industries adding new jobs:

          • +1,800 – Financial Activities
          • +1,300 – Manufacturing
          • +1,100 – Construction
          • +700 – Professional & Business Services

During the month, seven supersectors in Minnesota experienced job growth on a seasonally adjusted basis. “We usually see about half of Minnesota’s supersectors lose jobs and the other half gains jobs each month,” said DEED’s Labor Market Information Director Angelina Nguyễn. “It’s a positive indicator that in April we saw more supersectors gain rather than lose jobs”.*

Key News & Trends

  • The latest on the US Economy – Learn more
  • The US Jobs Report – April 2024 – Learn more
  • Minnesota gains 11,000 jobs in March 2024 – Learn more 
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