Have you recently found yourself contemplating a career change? Not just an urge to make a move within your industry, but an itch to go in a completely new direction? Perhaps you’re an accountant who wants to transition to sales.
There are many reasons why a career change might be on your mind. Maybe you’re feeling dissatisfied in your current company or experiencing a loss of passion for the job tasks you used to enjoy. Regardless of the driving force behind your desire to follow a new path, it is important to explore your options and find a position that speaks to your skills and interests.
In these transitional times, there are a few things you must do to make a successful change. First, analyze why you’re thinking of making a change in the first place. Next, be sure to use your network. Finally, make your resume work for you. Find out the details required to make these steps successful in the full blog post about making a significant career change, originally posted on the St. Thomas’ Opus Magnum Newsroom.
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