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How to find a job in 2023

There are mixed signals in the hiring market—Hiring surges while major corporate layoffs mount. The labor market remains tight as the unemployment rate hits a five-decade low.

The current economy can be confusing especially for those seeking jobs in 2023. Career coaches and recruiters say that knowing yourselves, knowing technology, and adjusting expectations all play a role if you’re looking for a job this year.

Jenna Estlick, VP of HR Interim Solutions at Versique, spoke to the Star Tribune about the importance for people on the job hunt to identify their “three keys”, or “three non-negotiables” that will help provide clarity throughout your job search.

“Regardless of industry, title, company name, if those three things are true in your next position, you won’t only be successful but you’ll thrive,” Jenna says. “If you can really hone in on what are those three non-negotiables that will help provide clarity throughout your job search.”

Those could include job duties, company culture, professional development or other benefits.

Overall, candidates should know what they want in their next job and methodically build a professional network.

Read the full interview with the Star Tribune here, published on March 5, 2023.