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Webinar: How to Level-Up Your Demand-Gen Game (with Vereigen Media)

On June 14th, Versique partnered with Vereigen Media to host a webinar.

Wes Lieser, VP of Demand Generation & Marketing Technology, presented, along with other demand generation professionals, and shared practical tips on creating a successful demand generation strategy, crafting targeted content, tracking and measuring success, and optimizing your approach based on data and insights.

This webinar covered the following topics:

  1. Identify the essential components of a successful demand-generation strategy
  2. Outline the steps for building a demand-generation plan
  3. Provide actionable tips for creating targeted content that resonates with your audience
  4. Discuss how to track and measure the success of your demand-generation efforts
  5. Identify key metrics to track and how to interpret them
  6. Provide actionable tips for optimizing your strategy based on data and insights