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How to Plan a Successful Business Event

From the type of music to play to the seating arrangements, all of the little details add up when you’re planning an event! How can you make the best possible event with the least amount of stress? Well, there are a few ways to evaluate and pick the best strategy for each event.

Get started by identifying whether you want to plan your event in-house, or utilize the help of an event planner. Planning the event yourself, hiring an intern, or hiring an event planner all have pros and cons and can vary depending on the type of event you’re hosting. I have several event planning best practices outlined in my full blog post regarding the type of events you can host, where to get help to plan the event, and what kind of budget to keep in mind (believe me, there are a few costs that will sneak up on you if you’re not familiar with this list).

So, where can you find all of these event planning tips and more? Check out my full blog post on Deluxe’s blog…and get planning!

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Photo Credit: CC, Flickr,fraserspeirs, Tutorial Day