Have you ever worked with a recruiter? If you’re on the hunt for a new career opportunity, whether you are actively or passively looking, it never hurts to have a relationship with an established recruiter. Besides the natural incentive for the recruiter to help you discover the right opportunity (financially), if you find the right recruiter, they will genuinely be just as enthusiastic about your career search as you are!
Recently, I overheard a conversation between two of our recruiters. One of them said, “Do you know what I get excited about? When I get to give an individual the opportunity to catapult their career to the next level!”
Here are a few other benefits of working with a recruiter:
- Recruiters have access to the hidden job market
- Recruiters provide valuable insight to the company
- Recruiters will guide you through the interview process
- Recruiters have insider market intel
Check out details of the above bullet points in this St. Thomas Opus Magnum article!